TestAssist with Automatic Calculation
TestAssist, our testing assistant has been customized to make friabiliy and abrasion testing as easy and fast as never before. With its three testing modes - revolutions, time and USP test, TestAssist offers the user flexible testing options. In all three modes, TestAssist ensures that all parameters are set up correctly. In the USP testing mode, TestAssist automatically calculates the results - and even triggers the repetition of the test according to USP guidelines.
TestAssist saves time and ensures parameter validity in each test.
TAR II can be configured with 1 or 2 test stations - but it can also be upgraded from 1 to 2 afterwards. The optional, intelligent balance feature can also be upgraded further down the line.
This makes TAR II the most flexible and future-proof friability & abrasion tester we ever built.
Direct Balance Connection
The optional direct balance connection offers seamless integration of supported balance into TestAssist. When setting up a test with TestAssist and a connected balance, TestAssist prompts the user to place the samples on the balance. It then recieves the balance data fully automatically, using it for its fully automated calculation.
This further speeds up the testing and eliminates another possible error source.