Shimadzu's next generation GC-2025 Capillary Gas Chromatography (GC) minimizes environmental impact by reducing power and carrier gas consumption while maintaining the performance characteristics required for capillary analysis. The GC-2025 includes a digital flow controller that controls both carrier and GC detector gases, and a newly designed energy efficient column furnace with small volume and less heating loss, resulting in a dramatic improvement in operating costs.
The compact GC-2025 Gas Chromatograph is an environmentally friendly gas chromatography system developed for high value performance. Split/splitless injection block (SPL), flame ionization detector (FID), electronic flow controllers (AFC/APC) used for carrier gas and detector gas control are standard in the system.
Some of the usage areas
The GC-2025 system is suitable for the use of capillary columns. The minimum detection limit of the FID detector of 2 pgC/s allows trace analysis.
In this study, the application of volatile organic carbon (VOC) determination in flue gas by means of Gas Chromatography (GC) system is included.
Instrument: Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph
Vegetable oils were converted to methyl ester derivatives and analyzed.
Instrument: Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph