Shimadzu Single Quadrupole GCMS-QP2020 NX Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) has the highest efficiency as well as best-in-class performance. This new high-end single quadrupole GCMS excels in both ease of use and robustness. The role of high-performance analytical tools is expanding in fields as diverse as environmental pollution monitoring, forensics, and materials science.
Whatever your field, the efficient and reliable GCMS-QP2020 NX is designed to meet the needs of your laboratory. Thanks to this high data collection rate, it is seen as an ideal instrument especially for Fast GC or advanced GC/MS (GCxGCMSq) analyses.
Example applications
Food, textile, plastic, water, biological fluids etc. pesticide, aroma, PAH, phthalate, VOC, toxicology and NBS analyzes in samples,etc.
With patented ASSP™ (Advanced Scan Speed Protocol) technology, it can scan at 20,000 u/sec without loss of sensitivity or spectral distortion. Thanks to this high data collection rate, it is seen as an ideal instrument especially for Fast GC or advanced GC/MS (GCxGCMSq) (gas chromatography mass spectrometry) analyses. Laboratory efficiency and the number of samples automatically increase accordingly. The ecology mode saves energy and carrier gas, and the operating costs of the system and its negative effects on the environment are reduced.
A large-capacity differential exhaust turbomolecular pump and a high-performance flow controller ensure the highest precision in all conditions used for gas chromatography (GC). This precision, combined with high-speed analysis capabilities, helps maximize laboratory efficiency by reducing analysis times.
In addition, the system can be operated safely using carrier gases other than helium, such as hydrogen or nitrogen, thus reducing operating costs.
The filament and the ion source box are separated, which reduces the influence of the filament potential on the interior of the ion source. Additionally, a shield is provided to block the radiant heat generated by the filament and maintain a uniform temperature within the ion source box. Thus, active points inside the ion source are not prone to formation, providing high precision analysis with long-term stability. (Patent: US7939810)
A new flow controller (AFC) with CPU uses various control methods to control the carrier gas flow down to a constant flow rate, flow rate or pressure. It can also accurately monitor analytical conditions currently being used. The split line filter can be changed without any tools. Internal contamination can be visually verified, ensuring filters are replaced at the right time.
The rod bias voltage is automatically optimized during high-speed data acquisition, minimizing sensitivity degradation during high-speed scans at 10,000 u/s or faster. The resulting accuracy is at least five times better than conventional systems. This is particularly effective in applications using Fast-GC/MS, high speed analysis, simultaneous Scan/SIM, FASST analysis, and GC × GC-MS for scanning data sensitivity improvements and obtaining appropriate mass spectrum. (Patent: US6610979)
The improved temperature control function provides more precise temperature control of the GC oven, which increases the accuracy of the holding time repeatability. In addition, three furnace cooling rate levels can be specified to minimize damage to column liquid phases and maximize service life.
A hydrogen sensor (optional) can be installed inside the GC. Accidents can be avoided by discovering possible leaks in advance. In addition, the main unit is equipped with an automatic carrier gas leakage control function, which strongly supports the use of hydrogen as a carrier gas.
The Smart SIM automatic method generation function automatically configures the SIM program to match retention times.
Even in cases where the number of compounds is large and they are distributed across more than one method, methods can be integrated while maintaining sensitivity. This significantly reduces the number of analysis cycles and measurement time, increasing productivity.
Daily analysis procedures are simplified with the automatic method creation function and multi-data processing program included in this new software program. Thanks to LabSolutions Insight Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Software, analysis results and calibration curves can be seen from a single window, thus making data processing easier.
Quantitative results of data files obtained in an analysis series can be viewed side by side for comparison. All chromatograms for a target compound can be viewed simultaneously so that all detected peaks can be easily monitored and their quantitative values controlled. Data requiring additional analysis are quickly identified with colour-coded QA/QC flags.
Having important qualitative capabilities, GC/MS yields a lot of fragment information, so it is used as a way to identify unknown compounds. A mass spectral library is often used as a compound identification tool. However, experience with compound identification is required if the compound is not registered in the mass spectral library or if there are several compounds with similar structures. With the GCMS-QP2020 NX, in addition to the mass spectrum, three types of value-added compound information are used in combination to support high-fidelity qualitative analysis.
Retention index, molecular weight and accurate mass.
NIST, Wiley, Pesticide Library, FFNSC Library (Flavor and Fragrance), Drug Libraries
Method packages (EPA524, EPA525, Residual pesticides in foods), simultaneous analysis database software, EPA option software, VOC analysis software, metabolite database, forensic toxicological database, residual pesticides database, off-.avor analysis system, phthalate ester analysis system.
If desired, Head Space Sampler, Purge and Trap, Pyrolysis Unit, Thermal Desorption, Multifunctional Samplers (liquid, HS, SPME), Multidimensional Gas Chromatography System, Comprehensive GCx GC-MS, Off-Flavor Analyzer, Phthalate Esters imaging system.
In this study, the GCMS analysis of the gas sample released from the rechargeable lithium ion battery kept at 80oC for 5 days is included.
Instrument: Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph
In this study, determination of aroma compounds in cooking oils by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) is included.
Instrument: Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph
Food Safety and Environmental Analysis: This issue focuses on food safety and environmental analysis, and contains information on two collaborations including an interview with Professor Mondello, working on Comprehensive GC x GC / LC technology and a technical note on multi-residue analysis of pesticides in food, a collaborative work with the Food and Environment Research Agency, UK. As well as the latest news and applications.
New Energy
Phthalates are ubiquitous in the environment and have attracted attention due to their potential adverse impact on human health. For this reason, detection and separation of phthalates has become a necessity. In this study, Restek Pro EZGC gas chromatographic modeling software was employed to determine the optimal stationary phases and conditions for phthalate GC-MS analysis.
System: Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Plus Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry System (GCMS)
Styrene is considered as possible human carcinogen by the WHO and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Migration of styrene from polystyrene cups containing beverages has been observed. The objective of this study is to develop a sensitive, selective, accurate and reliable method for styrene determination using GCMS-HS to assess the risk involved in using polystyrene cups.
Instrument: Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry System (GCMS) coupled with HS-20 Headspace Sampler