Shimadzu Corporation

AXIS SUPRA/NOVA X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometers (XPS)

AXIS SupraTM is an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) with unrivalled automation and ease of use for materials surface characterisation.  The patented AXIS technology ensures high electron collection efficiency in spectroscopy mode and low aberrations at high magnifications in parallel imaging mode.  XPS spectroscopy and imaging results can be complemented by additional surface analysis techniques such as: ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS); Schottky field emission scanning Auger microscopy (SAM) and secondary electron microscopy (SEM) and ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS).  The AXIS Supra replaces the AXIS Ultra DLD as Kratos’ flagship x-ray photoelectron spectrometer.

  • Large Area, High Sensitivity, Ultimate Large Area Performance
  • Parallel Imaging&Spectra from images
  • Selected Area Spectroscopy
  • Ion Sputter Depth Profiling
  • Ion Source Options

Kratos AXIS Nova

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), is a mature and widely used surface analysis technique for materials characterisation. XPS provides quantitative elemental and chemical state information from the upper most 10 nm of material. The The AXIS Nova photoelectron spectrometer can collect X-ray photoelectron spectra and images from any material that is stable under the ultra-high vacuum conditions required for the technique.

Kratos AXIS Nova


State-of-the-art Performance

Designed for ease of use, the AXIS Nova has automated sample loading, orthogonal cameras for easy sample positioning and intuitive data acquisition software. A unique design of the AXIS Nova is the 110mm diameter sample platen allowing unrivalled large sample handling and high sample throughput. None of these attributes compromise the market-leading performance. The AXIS Nova is capable of high sensitivity, excellent energy resolution and fast, high spatial resolution imaging. It is ready to meet the analysis needs of the most challenging applications.

AXIS Supra+

The AXIS Supra+ is a market leading X-ray photoelectron spectrometer combining state-of-the-art spectroscopic and imaging capabilities with the highest level of automation currently available.  
Unrivalled large area spectroscopic performance allows photoelectron spectra to be acquired from all types of materials including metals, semi-conductors and insulators.  Fast, high spatial resolution XPS imaging reveals the lateral distribution of surface chemistry and aids further characterisation with selected small area analysis.
The AXIS Supra+ is designed for flexibility allowing additional surface analysis and surface preparation options to be added without compromising XPS performance.  This makes it an invaluable tool for complete materials surface characterisation.

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